a story about chinese traditional medical and cystitis glandularis.

Cystitis glandularis often occurs in women, especially among women aged 40-70. Ms Yan who we are going to talk about is a victim of cystitis glandularis. Why do you say that? We go on to look down:

   Ms Yan is nearly 50 years old. she has many years of pain in her lower abdomen, frequent urination and frequent urination. These symptoms are not only affect her normal life, but also her health is worse and worse. As a result of the decrease in resistance, she is continue to occur recurrent cold and oral ulcers.

   Under the guidance of the children, she go to the provincial hospital for examination. Doctor through cystoscopy, urethra examination found that bladder urine is clear, bladder capacity is 300ml, the residual urine is 10ml, the bladder was pale with a villous protuberance; One biopsy was taken, and the mucosa of the urethra and bladder neck was pale and rigid; The bladder has scattered small follicles, no new organisms; Both sides of the urethral orifice can see pale protuberances and normal urine.

  Diagnostic results: cystitis changes to cystitis glandularis.  

  Due to have no symptoms of hematuria, Ms Yan refused surgery in the hospital. She seeked non-surgical treatment directly and heared that traditional Chinese medicine treats cystitis glandular is good effect and no side effects. Finally she discoveried LiXiaoping’s diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills in Wuhan.

   After the first course of treatment, the pain in the lower abdomen and the urgency of urination were relieved. so she went straight to the three course of treatment.

  After taking four courses of treatment, Ms. Yan's pain in her lower abdomen and the urgency of urination disappeared completely. She check it after the end of the medicine. Cystoscopy was smooth, clear vision, no significant elevation of bladder neck, smooth bladder mucosa. It is said that the recurrence rate of cystitis glandularis is high. In order to prevent recurrence, Ms. Yan takes another course of diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills for consolidation treatment. So far, Yan has reviewed 3 times and not find cystoscope abnormalities.  

   sum: Cystitis glandularis is an unusual disease of bladder proliferation. The diuretic anti-inflammatory pill has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxicating, activating blood circulation, activating qi and relieving pain, and promoting diuresis and drenching. It also can resist hyperplasia, fibrosis, calcification, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and detumescence, and will not produce drug resistance or drug resistance. It includes plantain seed, talcum, Qu mai, Yan cui, safflower, peach kernel, Angelica sinensis, red peony root, Houttuynia cordata, the seed of cowherb and so on. It can eliminate the symptoms such as swelling, pain, frequent urination, and urgency of urination. At the same time, with the help of medicine such as pangolin, it can root to sterilize and eliminate inflammation in depth of the lesion. It also can eliminate the inflammatory tissue of bladder and promote the recovery of related functions, and eliminate the possibility of recurrence.