Entries from 2018-08-30 to 1 day

a story about chinese traditional medical and cystitis glandularis.

Cystitis glandularis often occurs in women, especially among women aged 40-70. Ms Yan who we are going to talk about is a victim of cystitis glandularis. Why do you say that? We go on to look down: Ms Yan is nearly 50 years old. she has ma…

The problem of long time of prostatitis.

Many men of prostatitis have cured,but recovers again. So they began to lose confidence in the treatment of prostatitis. In fact, prostatitis can cure. Why some of patients of prostatitis are difficult to cure, Let me see these mistakes. O…

conservative treatments for endometriosis.

Endometriosis is easily ignored in the early stage, and it is often more severe after delaying. Therefore, in the presence of secondary dysmenorrhea, sexual pain, stool pain, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility, early abdominal B-ultrasou…