4 Tipsは、夏に膣炎を防ぐことを教えている



4 .洗面所に行く前に手を洗いなさい。


早熟のEjacimpotenceは男性性機能障害の最も一般的な病気の一つです。近年では、この病気の発生率が高くなっており、多くの若い男性の友人はセックスを楽しむ機会を逃している。早熟射精がより若くなっているという事実の観点から、それは彼らの生活習慣に密接に関連しています。ウーハンLi Xiaopingの漢方診療所の分析の主な理由は以下の通りである
2 .早産射精による他の心理的・社会的要因特定の社会現象、神経質の人間関係、過度の仕事や研究の圧力や人間の感覚を刺激する他の不健康な要因などの外部要因は、それは簡単に神経インパルス、一部の人によって大脳皮質に到達する神経インパルスの一部を引き起こす再認識して、彼らはしばしば思春期の早熟射精を引き起こす複雑な心理反応を引き起こす。
3 .精神的ストレス:性経験の欠如を除いて、それは頻繁な精漏と早期の射精につながる過度のオナニーされていない場合、それは精液で体に蓄積する原因となります。それは体の性器の分泌によって生じる。精液は、その時点で彼のガールフレンドの興奮と、特定の量に達すると、長期的なリビドーの抑制は通気されていない、それは早漏を誘発するのは簡単です。それは乾いた木の上でガソリンを注いで、火星に会うとき燃えるようです。不安と早漏が交感神経によって調節されるので、精神的なストレスは交感神経に影響を及ぼすことによって、早漏を引き起こすかもしれません。患者は、ストレスを軽減し、リラックスし、運動を強化する必要があります。
4 .前立腺炎前立腺は男性生殖器に属する。前立腺液は精液の成分である。前立腺炎は、精液をより敏感にして、早漏を引き起こすかもしれない前立腺の混雑と浮腫を引き起こすかもしれません。
5 .包皮は長すぎます:あまりに長い包皮はそれに隠れている腺粘膜を作ります。そして、通常、より少ない摩擦、より少ない刺激、神経質感覚があまりに敏感です。しかし、性行為時には、勃起した後は、膣で直接擦ると刺激すると、その露出にさらされると、その感度のために早漏を引き起こす可能性があります。





2 .反復流産再発中絶は、主に赤ちゃんが妊娠28週未満であるという事実に言及して、自然に生まれます。連続した2回以上があるならば、それは再発中絶と呼ばれています。患者は気を活性化し、腎臓を養うために漢方薬を使用することができます。この治療は、母と胎児のために安全です。


4 .不規則な月経。女性不規則月経は、主に短いまたは長い月経周期、月経量、月経色、月経の匂いが異常です参照してください。伝統的な漢方薬は主にさまざまな治療の患者の個々の状況に基づいています。それはこの病気のルートの目標を達成することができます。




The knowledge of chronic cystitis.

Chronic cystitis and urethritis are same. cystitis is also a common disease in the urinary system. mostly caused by urinary tract infection. When acute cystitis is not completely cured, it is easy to form chronic cystitis. Let us first understand the following diseases of chronic cystitis.

Chronic cystitis refers to a secondary inflammation or secondary to the urethra of the bladder or chronic inflammation of the upper urinary tract. The most typical symptoms are frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, and even urinary incontinence. There may be hematuria and pyuria. For the diagnosis of chronic cystitis, a comprehensive genitourinary system examination should be conducted in detail to determine whether there is chronic kidney infection. Male patients need to exclude penile head dermatitis and prostate seminal vesiculitis; female patients should exclude urethritis, urethral diverticulum, and bladder swelling. Out, vaginitis and urethral opening of the hymen umbrella or fusion.

Chronic cystitis may be a rare complication due to the proliferation of the lamina propria of the bladder mucosa and the extensive fibrous tissue of the muscular layer, resulting in decreased bladder capacity and inflammatory bladder contracture. For the treatment of chronic cystitis, it is not only to improve the urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, etc., but also need to start the treatment of chronic cystitis pathogen.

  Such as Escherichia coli, Streptococcus, Pusococcus is a common pathogen causing cystitis, so chronic cystitis is often secondary to pyelonephritis, kidney tuberculosis, prostatitis, urinary calculi and other diseases. Therefore, in the treatment of chronic cystitis, it is necessary to rule out the presence of diverticulum, stones, foreign bodies or tumors. Therefore, it is more accurately treat.

  Must adhere to treatment, adhere to medication, can not be abandoned halfway, otherwise, it is easy to cause repeated attacks of cystitis. Try to avoid the examination of catheters and urinary tract devices, because these tests are prone to infection. Also drink more water, urinate frequently, do not keep urinate stock, a large amount of urination can promote the discharge of bacteria, inflammatory exudates, reduce bacterial growth in the urinary tract.

The way of preventing vaginitis in summer.

Summer is the peak period of bacteric infaction. so female friends must have knowledge how to in case of vaginitis. Don't wait until you suffer from this disease. So how do you prevent vaginitis in summer?

1, adequate sleep.

Make sure you have enough sleep every day, don't stay up late, otherwise it will reduce your body's resistance to disease. Pay attention to the frequency of sexual life, the number of sexual life is more than three times a week, the incidence of urinary tract infections is greatly increased. the number of sexual life of times is need reduce in special stages of in summer.

2, cleaning order Frequently clean the vulva and anus, pay attention to the order of cleaning, wash the vulva and then wash the anus, do not reverse the way; towels and basins must be dedicated, otherwise bacteria can easily invade the urethra.

3, vulva lotion.  Female friends must purchase regular manufacturers' products to prevent inferior products from damaging the normal flora and reducing local resistance. When purchasing sanitary napkins, pay attention to the quality of the product. It should not be stored for a long time to avoid bacterial growth and cause vulvar and vaginal infection. When there is genital itching, the symptoms of leucorrhea, they should go to the doctor as soon as possible.

4, often wash hands.

The investigation found that human of hands contain a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, such as chlamydia and mycoplasma, which can invade the urethra by hands. so it is also important to keep good habit of it. 

The type of urethritis.

Urethritis is a common male disease. it has symptom of  urethra burning. frequent urination, urgency and weakness in urination. Patients need choose prompt treatment according to disease of condition.here is the type of urethritis.

   Acute urethritis. It is a disease that comes quickly. In the early stage of the illness, the patients will have an increase in urethral secretions, viscous, and then gradually become purulent. The patient will also have symptoms of frequent urinary, pain with urination, and the number of night-time rises will increase.
  Chronic urethritis. When urethritis is not treated in time, the disease will become chronic disease. Symptoms of chronic urethritis are more subtle, with no obvious symptoms and easy to be ignored.
   Gonococcal urethritis. It is a sexually transmitted disease. We also call it gonorrhea. Chronic gonorrhea is mostly from acute gonorrhea, usually manifested by repeated attacks of urethritis symptoms, can be transmitted through sex. After patients have this disease, they are not allowed to have sexual life with others, to avoid disease spread everywhere.
  Nongonococcal urethritis. After illness, the patient's urethra has itching or burning sensation, occasional tingling sensation, urethral orifice secretion, but the symptoms are mild, timely treatment can be cured.

How to prevent pelvic inflammatory disease?

  There are various ways to prevent pelvic inflammatory disease: food therapy, drug therapy, surgery and so on. Generally speaking, sports are the most economical and practical way. It doesn't cost money, but it needs perseverance. next, let's talk about how to prevent this disease by movement.

   Transverse crotch: Stand naturally, breathe evenly and relax all over the body. Then put your hands on the left and right sides of the crotch. Drive the crotch to lateral twist motion in the direction of left, front, right, rear and left. For every beat of a circle, there are two eight shots. Then let the crotch repeat the reverse motion in the opposite direction. In the right, front, left, rear and right directions, do two eight shots.
    Lateral torsional span: Keep your body straight, breathe naturally, relax your body, and put your hands on both sides of your hips. Drive the crotch to the left, right, left to twist back and forth, twist a beat, a total of four eight beat.
   Pat the small abdomen: From the perspective of pelvic health care, abdominal exercise is helpful to prevent pelvic inflammatory disease. Keep your body well, breathe evenly and relax all over. The hands alternate to gently pat the abdominal position, force to moderate, not too violent, each beat for a beat, a total of four eight.
   Gently knead the navel: The body is naturally upright and can sit or lie supine, breathe evenly and relax all over the body. The palms of both hands overlap on the navel, then massage clockwise direction, massage a circle for a rhythm, a total of two eight beats, and then massage counterclockwise two eight beats.