The way of preventing vaginitis in summer.

Summer is the peak period of bacteric infaction. so female friends must have knowledge how to in case of vaginitis. Don't wait until you suffer from this disease. So how do you prevent vaginitis in summer?

1, adequate sleep.

Make sure you have enough sleep every day, don't stay up late, otherwise it will reduce your body's resistance to disease. Pay attention to the frequency of sexual life, the number of sexual life is more than three times a week, the incidence of urinary tract infections is greatly increased. the number of sexual life of times is need reduce in special stages of in summer.

2, cleaning order Frequently clean the vulva and anus, pay attention to the order of cleaning, wash the vulva and then wash the anus, do not reverse the way; towels and basins must be dedicated, otherwise bacteria can easily invade the urethra.

3, vulva lotion.  Female friends must purchase regular manufacturers' products to prevent inferior products from damaging the normal flora and reducing local resistance. When purchasing sanitary napkins, pay attention to the quality of the product. It should not be stored for a long time to avoid bacterial growth and cause vulvar and vaginal infection. When there is genital itching, the symptoms of leucorrhea, they should go to the doctor as soon as possible.

4, often wash hands.

The investigation found that human of hands contain a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, such as chlamydia and mycoplasma, which can invade the urethra by hands. so it is also important to keep good habit of it.