Is leek benefit for prostatitis of patients?

  There is a saying that leek can strengthen sexual ablity of man. Because leek is spicy food, eating it excessive may aggravate symptoms of prostatitis. So patients can eat in right amount.  What food is benefit for patients?

  Vitamin C

  Prostatitis affects sperm therapy ,but Vitamin C can improve sperm motility. and the quality of male sperm declines gradually from age 24. So even the average man who should be careful to maintain sperm motility. Foods are rich in vitamin C include kiwi fruit, oranges, blue broccoli, asparagus, etc. Eating these foods can help to improve the quality of sperm and relieve the symptoms of prostatitis. In addition, vitamin C can promote the secretion of adrenal hormones and help to fight stress. 

  Except for eating suitable food, you should pay attention to the habits in daily life. keep the habit of drinking more water. Prostatitis is a curable disease. You don't have to put too much pressure on yourself. patients also can use psychological adjustment to restore body.